It's a thrill to visit ancient Troy, easily done in a day from Çanakkale, Bozcaadaor Assos, or overnight fromIstanbul, by car or tour.
Troy is impressive for its great age (the oldest ruins date from 3000 BC) and beautiful situation. The hokeywooden horse is just for fun (especially for kids).
A movie, with Brad Pitt and Diane Kruger, was released in May 2004. More...
Discovery of Troy
For most of the last 3000 years, people assumed thatHomer's Iliad was fiction, and that Troy (Truva in Turkish) never existed.
Then in 1863 a British expatriate named Frank Calvertdiscovered ancient ruins at a place in western Turkey called Hisarlık (maps), and was convinced they were Troy.
Heinrich Schliemann showed up in 1868, provided money for more digging, and took credit for discovering Troy.
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